Tasty Bites on the Go
Click the link!
Or Call 858.652.2114
Available For Venue Pop-Ups, Events, & Family Style Orders!
We require 24 hours advanced notices on all orders for ultimate freshness!

About Us
Why We Do What We Do
Hey Ya'll
AJ's, specializes in a blend of Creole Cuisine & Smokehouse BBQ! We don’t take any shortcuts when it comes to your food and service. In doing so, we’re able to offer our customers high-quality, homemade, fresh food-on-the-go with a blend of savory flavors that are a cultural & culinary delight! If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all of the options, the choice is simple. Choose the best Creole food in town for reasonable prices! Call us for a pre-ordered delivery and follow us on social media to find out what's cookin'!
For Orders 858-652-2114
Bon Appetit! ⚜️

Around & About Town
We are at the Fabulous Hillcrest Farmer's Market
3960 Normal St, San Diego, CA 92103
9 am-2 pm!
See you there!